New Life Camp

New Life Camp

Title: Fellowship Camp Ministries
Phone: (519) 369-3366
Olivet Baptist supports New Life Camp because we are part owners in the camp and we believe in camping ministry as an outreach to the lost and hurting.

"New Day. New Start. New Life in Christ!
Above all else, we see the use of this camp property as a ministry. That is, our summer and snow camps along with the retreats are opportunities for us to share the Bible’s life-changing truths with children, teenagers and families. The good news of the gospel is that there is a God who created each person uniquely and loves them dearly. All of the pain and brokenness that we see in the world around us is the result of sin, a humanity that has rejected God’s perfect plan and tried to do things its own way. We believe that God shows us the way to live in the Bible and that this book has the power to give meaning and purpose to our lives, no matter what age we might be. Through Jesus Christ, we are saved from the power of sin and given a new life and a new hope for living in this crazy world."

Check out this amazing camp. New Life Camp
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